Servizio-Messa “Shekhinah” Maranatha Lab (art. 6569)

Il Servizio-Messa “Shekhinah” di Maranatha Lab è un paramento sacro confezionato a mano in un raffinato tessuto di puro lino.

The mass service is counted among the altar cloths, one of the most ancient sacred vestments prescribed for the decoration of the sacred table.

It is made up of small linens that the priest uses to cleanse the chalice. The canteen service is made up of four pieces: the maintenance , the purificator , the corporal and the chalice cover ball .

This precious mass service is a product of high craftsmanship as it is carved and hand embroidered with motifs cruciforms and ears of corn.

The purity and splendor of white makes it elegant and solemn, suitable for both classic and modern canteens. Its use is suitable for solemn liturgical celebrations.

Il Servizio Messa “Shekhinah” è una confezione personalizzata di alto artigianato liturgico prodotta in Italia da Maranatha Lab, laboratorio italiano di sartoria liturgica dove originalità, qualità delle materie prime ed eccellenza artigianale danno vita a paramenti sacri fatti a mano di altissima qualità.

Maranatha Lab is a liturgical laboratory Lucanian, the result of a combination of traditional heritage of craft techniques and design innovation, as well as a place of synergies and artistic and creative collaborations .

The sacred vestments made by Maranatha Lab all have the singularity of being identified with names customized that make them unique .

This is one handcrafted and tailored packaging of value and quality made in Italy.

Standard size


  • pure linen fabric
  • hand-carved
  • hand-embroidered
  • made in Italy