tronetto for Eucharistic exhibition
Base for fusion monsoobook
€620,00Base for gold brass casting monsooning with symbols of the four evanelists in silver finish. Valuable item and quality made in Italy
Brass fusion tronet
€2.783,00Two-tone brass casting tronet decorated with statues of angels made of lost wax casting. Valuable item and quality made in Italy
Modern fusion tronet
€490,00Modern tronet in fusion in modern style decorated with scenes taken from the Passion and Resurrection of Christ. Valuable item and quality made in Italy
Tronetto in baroque fusion
€620,00Tronetto in fusione barocco interamente in finitura oro con base decorata con fregi barocchi. Articolo di pregio e qualità made in Italy
Tronetto in two-tone fusion
€950,00Tronetto in two-tone fusion in casting of gilded brass decorated with angelic statues silver finish. Valuable item and quality made in Italy
Tronetto “angeli” maranatha lab
€520,00Tronetto “Angeli” Maranatha Lab in gilded brass supported by statues of angels and symbols of the four evangelists. Valuable item and quality made in Italy
Tronetto “three-angels” maranatha lab
€420,00Tronetto “Tre-Angeli” Maranatha Lab in two-tone brass, circular base and pedestal consisting of statues of angels. Valuable item and quality made in Italy
Tronetto “pesce” maranatha lab
€420,00Tronetto “Pesce” Maranatha Lab baroque style in polished golden brass with pedestal decorated with fish motifs. Valuable item and quality made in Italy