daily chasuble
Chasuble “abel” maranatha lab
€220,00Chasuble “Abel” Maranatha Lab minimal classic cut made in a bright light fabric. Made in Italy tailored packaging
Chasuble “david” maranatha lab
€320,00chasuble “David” Maranatha Lab made of fresh fabric with embroidered chevron in gold threads with cruciform motifs. Made in Italy tailored packaging
Chasuble “noah” maranatha lab
€158,00Chasuble “Noah” Maranatha Lab with a classic cut made of micromonastic fabric with gold-embroidered chevron. Made in Italy tailored packaging
Chasuble “samson” maranatha lab
€88,00Chasuble “Samson” Maranatha Lab in micromonastic fabric with cross embroidered with horizontal wefts in shaded shades. Made in Italy fine and quality packaging
Chasuble “giovanni” maranatha lab
€65,00Chasuble “Giovanni” Maranatha Lab in micromonastic fabric with direct embroidery of the wheat, grape and Jhs symbols. Made in Italy fine and quality packaging.
Chasuble “uria” maranatha lab
€125,00Chasuble “Uria” Maranatha Lab in micromonastic fabric with three stylized crosses embroidered in shaded shades. Made in Italy fine and quality packaging