Croce astile in argento (art. 490)

Questa croce astile in argento è un arredo liturgico finemente cesellato a mano.

The astile cross, also called a processional cross,is a cross similar to the one to be altared but instead of having a base, it is usually fixed to an or painted rod and is about two meters high. It is used in processions both outside, along the streets of the cities, and inside the church, for example at the beginning of Mass when the priest enters the church and finally when he leaves.

As soon as the procession reaches the presbytery,the astile cross is placed on a base next to the altar so that it is the altar cross, or otherwise (if the altar cross is already there) it is put aside.

Questo arredo liturgico è realizzato interamente in argento ed è pensata in uno stile classico. Essa ha le estremità polilobate decorate con motivi floreali e sul Cristo Crocifisso vi è l’iscrizione INRI.

La lavorazione plastica a rilievo le conferisce matericità ed eleganza. La finitura argenti la rende adatta ad adornare mense in contesti liturgici sia classici che moderni.

La croce astile è un oggetto personalizzato di high liturgical craftsmanship handmade in Italy for the store of sacred furnishings Maranatha, Italian laboratory of sacred vestments and arredi liturgici in cui originalità, qualità delle materie prime ed eccellenza artigianale danno vita ad articoli religiosi e confezioni sartoriali fatti a mano di altissima qualità.

Maranatha Lab is a liturgical laboratory Lucanian, the result of a combination of traditional heritage of craft techniques and design innovation, as well as a place of synergies and artistic and creative collaborations .

Maranatha Lab’s sacred furnishings all have the singularity of being identified with custom names.

This is an artisan product of quality and quality made in Italy.

Astile cross is sold together at auction


  • altezza croce cm 60
  • rod height cm 150


  • silver
  • classic style
  • chiseled by hand
  • made in Italy