Calice “Passione” Maranatha Lab (art. 2264)
Il calice “Passione” di Maranatha Lab è un prezioso calice in argento bicolore realizzato in stile plateresco.
Plateresque is an artistic style that flourished in Spain in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is an architectural style very ornate and composed in imitation of the works of silverware (in Spanish plata),from which comes the name of plateresco.
The glass, with a slender line, is rich in hand-engraved decorations. It has a glossy golden finish cup. The lower half-cup is richly decorated with a chisel of natural friezes.
Chiseling is a process that is generally performed on precious metals and consists in the cold plastic deformation of the metal performed with the chisel. It produces a relief workmanship, made with engravings and changes.
I raffinati fregi decorano anche la base polilobata e l’impugnaturaa globo eagonale. The silver finish of the decorative friezes gives the glass a refined and elegant style that makes it suitable for canteens of any style, be they classic or modern.
The chalice, for its sumptuousness and elegance, is well suited to solemn liturgical celebrations and can be counted among the bishop’s goblets.
Il calice “Passione” è un oggetto personalizzato di alto artigianato liturgico prodotto in Italia da Maranatha Lab, laboratorio italiano di paramenti sacri e arredi liturgici in cui originalità, qualità delle materie prime ed eccellenza artigianale danno vita ad oggetti e confezioni sartoriali fatti a mano di altissima qualità.
Maranatha Lab is a liturgical laboratory Lucanian, the result of a combination of traditional heritage of craft techniques and design innovation, as well as a place of synergies and artistic and creative collaborations .
Maranatha Lab’s sacred silvers all have the singularity of being identified with custom names.
This is an artisan product of quality and quality made in Italy.
- altezza cm 26,5
- silver
- stile plateresco
- chiseled by hand
- made in Italy